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Successful stakeholder management not only requires certain competence and skill sets but may also involve organizational changes. Opticom has helped many pharmaceutical companies to optimize their Stakeholder Management by means of one or more of the following services:
Stakeholder mapping
An identification and to some extent prioritization of stakeholders as well as individual contact persons on national, regional and local levels as relevant. Stakeholders may include politicians, governmental institutions and authorities, Key Opinion Leaders and Young Talents, specialist nurses, researchers, patient organizations and individual patients, other non-profit organizations and possibly international organizations or individuals that you should be aware of, learn from or get in contact with.The main result of the Stakeholder Mapping is a list of organisations and individuals with an indication of their official or unofficial role and responsibilities in the area that is being investigated.
Stakeholder analysis
A more in-depth analysis of current views and decision-making as well as an indication of future trends and challenges. The analysis also maps stakeholder networks: relations and cooperation among and within stakeholder groups, in order to identify who influences who and how – now and as expected in the future. The research may include identifying opportunities for direct cooperation between our client and specific stakeholders.The outcome of the Stakeholder Analysis is a report summarizing findings, showing stakeholder networks, analyzing future expectations, and providing recommendations for stakeholder management, all illustrated with quotes and examples of stakeholder cooperation.
Stakeholder Management workshops
A workshop with the people who have already been and will be involved in the company’s stakeholder management in order to develop a Stakeholder Management Strategy and Action Plan.The outcome of the workshop is a list of concrete actions to be taken to kick-off or improve Stakeholder Management, for example regarding communication, relationship-building and cooperation with specific stakeholders.
Future Lab
Taking stakeholder management to a higher level the Future Lab is a unique concept of innovative networking providing the opportunity to take an active or even pro-active role among stakeholders. Relevant people from different stakeholder groups are invited to discuss today’s challenges and future opportunities with each other and our client in round table discussions and through in-depth interviews.The outcome of the Future Lab includes a report with strategic market insights, conclusions and recommendations, as well as a network with prioritized stakeholders for continued communication and cooperation. In addition, the Future Lab shows a strong sign of market leadership, an innovative image, and long-lasting credibility among stakeholders.