Better understanding customers and other important stakeholders is critical to become a market leader … but not as easy as it sounds if you are missing the step of making sure valuable learnings result in actions that are ready for implementation.

Opticom does not only gather strategic input from defined target groups, but also helps customers to act upon such input. Most of Opticom’s projects include workshops based on proven methods very much appreciated by our clients. While each workshop is adjusted to specific client needs, it always builds on all participants contributing with their viewpoints in order to increase internal motivation and commitment. Another key driver is to make sure that ideas are discussed and prioritised based on their potential value as well as the effort needed for implementation.
Apart from conducting a workshop to transform results into actions, Opticom also has extensive experience in facilitating other types of workshops. A workshop could be used to identify and prioritize challenges, for example related to the corporate brand, internal knowledge gaps or a mapping of current stakeholder relations, in order to then discuss and prioritize possible ways to deal with those challenges.
The success of a project or strategy depends on the involvement from key people internally; during definition as well as implementation. Opticom’s workshops are a time-effective way to create this involvement and make sure participants not only accept and appreciate but also contribute to and stimulate the changes that are needed to implement improvement actions. While a good presentation surely results in individual and small-group brainstorming, Opticom’s workshops enable a quick-start to improved performance and thereby guarantee that clients get the best possible return on their investment!
According to our clients the outcome and value of the Opticom workshops are:> Direct and objective help with the interpretation of the results of a project> A quick and effective way to identify and prioritize improvement actions> A strong motivator for internal project teams: an intensive kick-off to concrete actions> A clear follow up-structure and strong basis for continuing to work with the results internally and ensuring identified improvement actions are implemented