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Published - 2017/04/03

Healthcare Industry

What's cooking? Eye for pharma: United for healthcare

Opticom took the opportunity to hear and discuss What’s cooking in Pharma, at the annual Eye for Pharma’s Barcelona Conference 2017.

What's cooking? Eye for pharma: United for healthcare

Buzz words such as patient empowerment, digital services, multi-stakeholder collaboration, and customer engagement confirm that the industry is clearly widening its “customer focus” to include a stronger patient centricity and closer stakeholder collaboration as well as a broader definition of offering value through innovative services.

Opticom will continue to help health companies succeed in their healthcare ecosystem. Do contact us if you would like to talk, brainstorm, and plan your next steps towards improved value propositions!

Some interesting quotes caught at Eye for Pharma Barcelona 2017:

“Technology forces us forward: pharma on its own will cause an evolution, by partnering with external partners, we will create a revolution.” (Panel discussion)

On Patient value: “We need to get patients to be proud of us – Pharma – proud of what we have achieved. We should do a better job to convince them.” (Panel discussion)

Bottom line: regardless of the value offered: “Never surprise us (patients) with any side effect!” (Ian Talmage, Senior Advisor, Bayer)

“Pharma’s role: Helping people to get better at getting better.” (Panel discussion)

“What is the most advanced pharma company when it comes to digitalization? Not just one company, but we can see indications that they are often the smaller, midsize companies, from the Nordics or Belgium.” (Dr. Frank Kumli, Executive Director, Life Sciences, EY)

Opticom International Research

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